Celebration and Commemoration

Celebration and Commemoration

75 years on
A day of celebration
And commemoration

We celebrate the
End of the War in Europe
And rejoice in peace restored

We commemorate the
Lives all who died
Military and civilian alike
The price of freedom

For many of us
These are distant childhood memories
For the majority, simply history past
But we can pause
And be thankful

And today the living
Face a new and powerful threat
An unseen enemy
Menacing our health
Our wealth, our future

The expeditionary forces
Of science and technology
Mustering to hold the line
And engineer the victory

But for now
We must exercise patience
And perseverance
Until in due time
The adversary is overcome

And victory declared with celebration
As it was 75 years ago

Meantime we commemorate
All the victims of
The battle with Covid-19

Ken Fisher



2 thoughts on “Celebration and Commemoration

  1. I salute your latest epic, Bard of Kelvindale. Beautifully crafted in honouring the past and present. Thank you. Your work is always appreciated.


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