

Thirty-one Thousand


I am not sure if there is anything significant about the number 31,000
But today that was the total of ‘hits’, individual visits, to my website since mid 2015.

7,438 separate and individual persons have clicked on to my collection of poems
Numbers are not the measure of all things and the accumulated totals might be the
result of friends and relations being kind to me and indulging by examining the poems.
It might also be as a result of my ‘marketing’ my product be word of mouth.

It might even be because some of you actaully liked what you found  and passed on the word to others
like a recommendation for a good plumber or painter and decorator!
Anyway, whatever the genesis of your discovery of my oeuvre, thank you for tripping over these
words and for your willingness to tangle with them.

Readers of the poems, although predominantly in the UK, have spanned the globe representing every continent.

What is a poem? You may well ask

What is the poet’s intended task?

Surely to stimulate the mind

A treasured idea therein to find


Ken Fisher

The Bard of Kelvindale


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